Ras Malai


Continuing the saffron trail, today sharing with you my all time favorite indian dessert RasMalai
All the hard work & patience pays off with its melt in mouth texture. 
A few pointers to get the desired results.

Kneading chena with palms till smooth  to achieve the tasteful results.
Add a splash of drama with saffron.
Rolling the little chena balls to perfection. No cracks
We are still half way. Yes here comes the timing & patience. Boiling the chena balls for perfect time & then completely cooling it off.
Squeezing the completely cooled off chena balls & soaking overnight in prepared milk.
And this is the result of all your patience.

Rasmalai : Makes around 20
For the Chena
1 ltr milk
1 tsp vinegar/ 1/2 tsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp semolina
1/2 tsp powdered sugar
1/8 tsp saffron 
Tip: Mix sugar & saffron together and grind to powder.
4  glasses of water
1/4 cup sugar
For the milk
1 ltr milk
2 cardamom crushed
3 to 4 strands of saffron
9 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp sliced pistachio
  1. Prepare the chena: Heat milk in a deep pan. Remove from flame once boiled. Add in vinegar or lemon juice. Once it starts curdling (Whey is separated) strain on kitchen cloth. Keep some heavy thing on for about 10 minutes so all the excess water is strained. 
  2. Knead the chena with palm of your hands till smooth. timing will be around 6 to 7 minutes
  3. Now add all the Ingredients II and knead for  about 2 minutes more.Roll out into desired shape size balls
  4. In between kneading  put water & sugar in pressure cooker & bring to boil in the pressure cooker 
  5. In the boiling water, add the chena balls. Close the lid & give one whistle & then cook on low flame for 8 minutes. After that switch off the flame & let it completely cool ( took nearly 2 hrs to cool off ).
  6. Preparing the milk: Mix all the ingredients IV and cook the milk till reduce to 3/4. Cool completely.
  7. Now open the lid of the pressure cooker.Gently squeeze  chena balls & drop in the prepared milk.
  8. Keep overnight in fridge for best results.

  • Required equipment: Cheese cloth or any cotton cloth, pressure cooker, deep pan.
  • Kneading the chena till smooth is very important.
  • Cooking time is an important factor for the success of the recipe.
  • When the recipe say completely cool , literally follow. Reason: Cooling it at its own will not deflate the chena balls.

Cucumber Pickle


Don’t they look gorgeous?  We love to have these little wonders with wraps or sandwiches

 or as a salad.

Simple to make with a few ingredients.

And no fuss at all.

1 Cup white vinegar
1 Cup water
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp olive oil
1 clove of garlic crushed (opt)
1 whole red chilly (opt)
2 – 3 Cucumber  cut into cubes
  Airtight Glass Jar to store

Peel &  Cut cucumber into cubes or whatever size you want.

Fill the cucumber cubes in a sterilized glass jar (washed , kept in boiling water for 5 min). Do not fill the entire bottle. Leave at least one inch space
Now in the pan heat 1 cup each of vinegar & water. Bring to boil. Remove from flame.Keep aside for 5 minutes.

Now add in garlic, salt & olive oil. Pour  the prepared liquid over the  cucumber. Take care water is very hot

. Close the lid and keep aside for a day at room temperature. 
After 2 days
This picklets can  be stores in fridge up to 2 weeks. 
Serve as a salad  with burgers, shawarma , wraps or kathi rolls

Ande Ka Salan / Egg Curry


Ande Ka Salan / Egg Curry , a delicious curry from the region of Maharashtra. The spices used in this curry makes it different from the regular egg curries.

Ande Ka Salan / Egg Curry

Ande Ka Salan / Egg Curry  was mostly made as a substitute for meat curry. When there was no meat in house , our family would prefer eating this salan instead of having vegetables.  After coming to Dubai , this salan is part of  our weekly meals.

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Lahsooni Mirchi Sev / Garlic Sev


Sometimes I am really amazed by the combination of sides that go along with particular dish. Maybe a city girl in me thinks about it as a weird combination. 
For others it may be normal. While serving Sev to K , he asked me for onions and salt.
When I asked him , why. He said have you ever eaten this combination. I nodded my head in a big no. Try it out was the answer.

A little sev with onion and salt. And no wonder , it was good. Too good.

To the recipe