Lately my life has been full of ups and downs. I know this is how life is. Usually , I am a very calm person ,courageous & positive in each situation. But this time, I suffered lots of anxiety. It is said your body signals you in different ways that something is wrong. I don;t know what to call this type of situation. False notion, hallucination. You get up during nights with no idea. And suddenly every thing stops with a news and you go back to your normal being. I have ignored this in the past but lately my mind tells me not to ignore it. But what can a person do. Whatever happen is in Almighty’s hand and we are just puppets. We can try to come out of the situation. But he is the decision maker. Today my heart was filled with so much agony that I had to let it out. It’s difficult. Too difficult. But I know this too shall pass. My sister’s cancer has recurred again. We thought she has survived. But it has returned. This is an emotional journey for all of us. But I know, this too shall pass. Insha allah.