Lemon & Rose Clouds


After weeks of postponing my trip, at last today I am leaving for India for about  two weeks. Am excited to meet my parents after a long gap of two years. I have not informed them of my visit to see the surprise , happiness in their eyes.  Want  this picture to be captured in my memories forever.   As time comes nearer  I am nervous &  jittery. Though technology has made life easier and I speak with them from time to time, but miss their gentle touch , hugs and warmth. I hope to make the maximum from my visit as I don’t know when I will meet them again..

As promised, I am with the recipe from my leftover  trimmings of lemon bars.  Served in individual glasses  they are perfect summery dessert.

The  first spoon hits you with the coolness of rose and then comes the tanginess of lemons followed by the crunchiness of pistachios. 
And here comes the recipe for Light  & Airy
Lemon & Rose Clouds.

Serves: 2

Lemon Bar trimming crumbled
1 cup whipping cream
1/2 tsp of rose essence
4 tbsp of sugar
1 rose hip crushed

For Garnish
1/2 tbsp pistachio powder
crumbled lemon bar trimming
1 rose hip petal separated

You will need two transparent serving glasses

  1. For the cream: Mix together whipping cream, sugar & rose essence to soft peaks.Fold in crushed rose hip
  2. Now in the glass, layer the lemon bar trimming. Pour over the prepared cream
  3. Garnish with crumbled lemon bar, pistachio powder & rose hip petal
  4. Served cold.

Baking Partner May Challenge – Lemon Bars


Thanks Suja for giving us the wonderful challenge for this month. This summery , lemony tangy bars  did for sure uplifted the moody phase I am going through. 

I have been off and on in blogging since few months. It’s not that, I am not making any food but by the end of the day I am so exhausted and don’t feel like doing anything. Feeling kind of lost. Maybe we all go through such phase of life now and then. I need to gear up myself & put my life back on the track.Maybe , I will take a tiny mini vacation to India. Missing my parents a lot nowadays too. Till  I make my decision lets enjoy the bars , I made today for our monthly challenge of Baking Partners.

For the Crust
85 gm flour
1/3 cup sugar
70 gm unsalted chilled butter (cubed)

salt a pinch

For the filling
48 gm Sugar
1/2 tbsp Lemon zest
2 Egg
1/2 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup Condensed milk
1 1/2 tbsp flour
3 pinches of Salt
2 drops Yellow food color
Powdered sugar for dusting
To make the crust
  1. Pre heat oven @ 220 degrees. & line the loaf tin with aluminium foil.
  2. In a food processor mix flour, sugar,salt & butter. Pulse till crumbly.
  3. Remove & press into the lined tin. Prick with the fork one iches apart
  4. Bake the crust for 15 minutes or till edges become light brown.
  5. Cool completely

To make the filling

  1. In the food processor mix in all the filling ingredients.
  2. Pour over the baked crust
  3. Bake @220 degrees till set and firm to touch
  4. Cool at room temperature & chill for atleast an hour in the fridge.
  5. Cut into squares and dust with powdered sugar.
  6. Enjoy.
Any leftover trimming from the lemon bars. Well next in line is the recipe for it. A little glimpse 

Tangy Lemon Cake


Bringing you today a  cake with the flavors  of lemon.

A simple cake to whip


with the tanginess of lemon zest & syrup giving a crumbly crust.


To the recipe.


175 gm self raising  flour
175 gm sugar
175 gm unsalted butter
1 tsp vanilla
3 eggs
1 lemon zest
1 orange zest

3/4 cup sugar
juice of 2 lemons


  1. Beat butter & sugar till light
  2. Add in egg alternating with flour.
  3. Fold in vanilla & both the zests
  4. Pour the batter in  the loaf tin.
  5. Bake in a preheated oven for 15 min @ 190 degrees.
  6. While the cake is baking prepare the syrup by mixing in sugar & lemon juice. Heat on medium heat till sugar dissolves.
  7. When the cake is baked removed from oven & pour the  warm syrup over the cake.
  8. Cool the cake completely & then invert it.
  9. When cooled it will form a crumbly crust.