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Strawberry Crush

Strawberry crush is my second recipe for the pre ramadan marathon. I stock my strawberries when in season and use it in variety of recipes. Mostly I prepare this crush as it comes in handy to prepare milkshakes , smoothies, icecream , topping and filling.

As you all know by now that I share iftar with few people and each day I have to give them full iftar meals. So I need as much as super quick fix recipes in hand. Allah and his rasool has blessed me in this pious month. I find myself lucky that I  am able to provide home cooked meals to them.

 Prophet  Mohammed (pubh) says ,”He who gives iftar to another fasting person will earn reward equivalent to a fasting man without detracting from the reward of later.”
Usually I make strawberry crush in big quantities. But to simplify things to those who are not comfortable for huge quantity preparation, giving  you  minimum measures for about  half kilo of strawberry. I have added sugar and little bit of water to start up the process.  And cooked  till all the water from strawberries have dried out and we are left with a lumpy thick texture syrup.

I like to give different flavors like cinnamon, saffron in my strawberry crush to elevate the taste. Orange blossom or rose water also gives a good flavor. You need to add these flavoring after removing it from flame . While  for cinnamon add only 1/2 inch  while cooking along with strawberries, sugar and water. And don’t forget to remove the piece of cinnamon stick if  you want mild flavor. The same method has to be followed for saffron adding at the initial stage.  

Yields 400

Strawberry Crush

A delicious crush made within minutes to be used for milkshakes or toppings.

15Cook Time

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  • 500 gm strawberry Fresh or Frozen
  • 1 cup heaped sugar
  • 1/ 2 cup water
  • Flavoring1/4 tsp saffron/ 1/2 inch cinnamon/1 tbsp rose water/orange blossom water


  1. In a deep heavy bottom pan mix together strawberries, sugar & water
  2. Cook on a medium heat for 3 -4 minutes until boiling
  3. Reduce the flame & cook till all the water from strawberries have dried out
  4. The end result will be lumpy thick texture syrup
  5. Remove from flame.
  6. Mix in flavoring if using any. (Check Notes)
  7. Keep it aside to cool.
  8. Store in airtight container in fridge.


Flavorings like cinnamon, saffron ,Orange blossom or rose water can be used You need to add these flavoring after removing it from flame . While for cinnamon add only 1/2inch while cooking along with strawberries, sugar and water. The same method has to be followed for saffron adding at the initial stage. Can be preserved in air tight container in fridge for 6 months.


Calories: 936 cal
Carbohydrates: 239 g
Fat: 2 g
Sodium: 26 g
Protein: 3 g
Fiber: 10 g

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