Lemon & Rose Clouds


After weeks of postponing my trip, at last today I am leaving for India for about  two weeks. Am excited to meet my parents after a long gap of two years. I have not informed them of my visit to see the surprise , happiness in their eyes.  Want  this picture to be captured in my memories forever.   As time comes nearer  I am nervous &  jittery. Though technology has made life easier and I speak with them from time to time, but miss their gentle touch , hugs and warmth. I hope to make the maximum from my visit as I don’t know when I will meet them again..

As promised, I am with the recipe from my leftover  trimmings of lemon bars.  Served in individual glasses  they are perfect summery dessert.

The  first spoon hits you with the coolness of rose and then comes the tanginess of lemons followed by the crunchiness of pistachios. 
And here comes the recipe for Light  & Airy
Lemon & Rose Clouds.

Serves: 2

Lemon Bar trimming crumbled
1 cup whipping cream
1/2 tsp of rose essence
4 tbsp of sugar
1 rose hip crushed

For Garnish
1/2 tbsp pistachio powder
crumbled lemon bar trimming
1 rose hip petal separated

You will need two transparent serving glasses

  1. For the cream: Mix together whipping cream, sugar & rose essence to soft peaks.Fold in crushed rose hip
  2. Now in the glass, layer the lemon bar trimming. Pour over the prepared cream
  3. Garnish with crumbled lemon bar, pistachio powder & rose hip petal
  4. Served cold.

9 thoughts on “Lemon & Rose Clouds

  1. I can feel the excitement in your post... you have portrayed the feeling so beautiful... I love the name of the dessert, and it does look like a cloud! Lovely...
  2. The dessert looks great Huma and the pictures are so beautiful. Definitely going to try next time when I have left over lemon bars. Wish you a happy and safe trip; have a great time in India.

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