
What is the meaning of  Gheza – e – Shiriin ?
I am often asked this question. My love for Urdu & Persian  languages brought up this name.

Gheza is an urdu word meaning  Food  &   Shiriin is a persian word meaning  Sweet.

In all Gheza -e -Shiriin means “ food cooked with sweetness & love for your beloved ones”

The person behind the blog
Well I am Huma Kalim an Indian by origin. But now residing in UAE. Yes sometimes your  destiny leads you to the unknown land without any prior notice.I come from the family of four sisters. Me the youngest and most pampered now also. When my elder two sisters got married , me and 3rd number sis were instantly promoted to their jobs. I started cooking at the age of 13 with a simple Khichdi (Rice & Lentil dish) which was our daily evening dinner.Never knew at that time cooking will become my hobby and my stress buster.

Why do I blog?

Never new, what blogging was.. Accidentally came into the blogging world while finding a source to store my recipes in proper manner.  Had a dream of publishing my cook book since long, but every time I think to start the process.More important issues comes up, which need more attention & priority. Letz see what future has in store for me.    

What you will find here?Recipes from three beautiful states of India:- Gujarat(Paternal)Rajasthan (Maternal), Maharashtra (Sasural – in laws) & Dubai (Living here since 10 wonderful years). Sometimes travelogue, photography related post.

Most of the recipes are my family recipes & thus the property of  Gheza-e-Shiriin. And this is the case with photographs too. If a recipe is from cookbook, blog or any other source, it will be mentioned. 

3 thoughts on “

  1. You started cooking at the age of 13? You must be having a lot of experience by now. I am quite familiar with Rajasthani and Gujrati cuisine but have not much of an idea about Maharashtian cuisine. All the best to you!

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